The Tides

Curious, my tongue roamed along my jaw
to the source of the pain in my gums -
an abcessed tooth, a rot that occured
from bile rushing over the bone.

It started with a break that was strangely painless
and I spat, disbelieving, into my palm
a small white pearl with a jagged edge.

Soon, the piece that was left in my mouth
was as smooth as a pebbled turned over and
over again beneath some great sea.
Hollow as a seashell,
the tip of my tongue fit neatly inside.

It was the bile that did it, you see,
that hate rising up from my stomach.

But I couldn't keep going forever
and an infection began to grow.
My hands, as scaled as some dead thing
could no longer fit down my throat.

The tides ebb and flow.
I wait for my appointment.
When I show up with a post-dated cheque, they turn me away.

'But I could die," I said.
A rage filled my veins like a tidal wave.
I will rip this tooth out of my head.
I walk home thinking about pliers.
I fantasize about guillotines.
I even research how to make one

but of course I do none of that.
I come back with cash. The waves settle.
They prescribe this and that
and when the infection's died down, I come back.

They invade my mouth. A sort of storm,
and the tooth comes out.
As I heal, I do not smoke or throw up.
I nearly go out of my mind.

I kept the tooth.
They had to break it into five pieces
to get it out of my mouth -
a worn sort of ivory. The pieces look dry.

My tidal pool is now missing a stone,
smooth space between two rocks,
small scar.
I throw up gently.
I feel the tides returning.


I have been picked apart until I am all bones,
Thanksgiving turkey,
ravaged carcass.

They tear at me this way and that,
looking for the choicest piece of meat

but there is none left to offer.
I have simply been picked clean.

My bones, cracked open.
They scrape out the marrow until all that is
left is a pile of teeth.
Bits of skin litter the serving platter
and it is thick with grease.

These are my tears.
This is what happens when there is
nothing left to give.
My ribs, curved upward like some
great offering,
my thighs, stripped of flesh.

Now I am thin. All that is left remains
scattered on the table,
and it is no great loss to anyone.

That's When We Turn Out the Lights

Every night we start to fight.
When our words turn into blows
that's when we turn off the lights.

At first, the cost was worth the price.
That was the forfeit that I chose.
Every night we start to fight.

Something here is not quite right.
Uneasiness begins to grow.
That's when we turn off the lights.

You fooled me once, you tricked me twice.
I see the threat that you now pose.
Every night we start to fight.

You mock the fact I don't wear white.
Your cruelty begins to show.
That's when we turn off the lights.

You said you loved me out of spite.
You broke my heart then broke my nose.
Every night we start to fight.
That's when we turn off the lights.

our love

cranes mate for life.
we didn't.

(we feed on each other's madness
as though we had never
been lovers.)

I Have To Get Out Of This Place

I'm going to tear off my face.
Everything's getting too loud.
I have to get out of this place.

I am wearing black ribbons and lace.
My mouth is stretched into a howl.
I'm going to tear off my face.

I've always been lacking in grace.
It follows me into the shroud.
I have to get out of this place.

My ring, I have somehow misplaced.
I can't let you see me right now.
I'm going to tear off my face.

Before I met you, I was chaste.
You took me and started to growl.
I have to get out of this place.

I'm a complete and utter disgrace
and nameless when I'm in a crowd.
I'm going to tear off my face.
I have to get out of this place.